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Fat and its types: important facts about it

 Fat and its types: important facts about it

Fat and its types: important facts about it

Some fats are healthy and the body needs them, while others are very harmful. What are the different types of fats? What are the most important facts you need to know?

Fat and its types: important facts about it


One of the criteria for a healthy, balanced diet is that it contains a percentage of healthy, trans fats or trans fats. What are the types of fats? What do

Fat between harms and benefits


Fat is very important and beneficial to the body, for the following reasons:


    Source of energy.

    A source of many fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin A, D, E, and K.

    A source of essential fatty acids that the body cannot manufacture.


But it must be noted here that there are harmful fats. For example, saturated fats may:

Fat and its types: important facts about it

    Increases cholesterol in the body.

    You are a direct cause of heart disease.

    Eating them offers us to gain weight, especially when they exceed the daily allowable limit, as they are high in calories.


It is known that obesity and being overweight may be a cause of increased chances of developing chronic diseases, such as: type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure.

Types of fat


So, as we mentioned earlier, there are types of fats: trans fats, trans fats, and trans fats. Below, we will explain to you the difference between them and where each type exists:

1 - saturated fats (saturated fats)


A balanced healthy diet is a diet that contains a percentage of fat in which saturated fat does not exceed the limit in it.


According to the British Diabetes Association "British Diet Association", the amount of saturated fat eaten per day should not exceed 30 g for men, and 20 g for women.


Saturated fats are found in many foods, such as:


    Meat and meat products.

    Milk and non-skim milk and milk products, such as cream and ice cream.

    Cheese, especially hard species.

    Butter and ghee.

    Some types of biscuits, cakes and pastries.


2- Trans fats (trans fats)

Fat and its types: important facts about it

Trans fats are found naturally and in small quantities in some foods, such as meat and dairy products, or synthetically in others, especially in foods that contain hydrogenated vegetable oils.


It is harmful to health such as saturated fats and may cause high cholesterol, so it is not recommended that the daily portion of it exceed 2% of the total daily energy derived from food, i.e. approximately 5 g per day for an adult.

3- Unsaturated fats (trans fats)


Nutrition experts recommend eating unsaturated fats from the types of fats, because of the benefits they carry for the human body, it helps to reduce harmful cholesterol in the body LD, and raise the proportion of good HDL cholesterol.


Examples of trans fats: omega-3 and omega-6, which are found in many natural food sources, such as:


    Vegetable oils.

    Nuts, such as: nuts and almonds.

    Seeds, such as flaxseed, sunflower seed.

    Some types of vegetables and fruits, such as: avocado and coconut.


Our advice for eating less fat


Of course, it is preferable to replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats, and reduce the total intake of all types of fats in the diet followed.


Here are our most important tips that may help you reduce the amount of fat consumed and make healthier decisions:


    The strongest food poster when shopping and compare the contents of different fats and products with lower fat levels, and remember that servings may differ from one product to another.

    Choose low-fat and healed meats from the white fat (lei), and in chicken remove its skin before cooking it.

    Choose low-fat or non-fat dairy products (0-1% fat).

Fat and its types: important facts about it

Use healthy cooking methods, such as grilling or steaming instead of frying.

    Use measuring tools and spoons when adding oils instead of pouring them directly.

    Increase the amount of vegetables to work in the cooking process at the expense of the amount of meat, for example:

        If using minced meat, work to increase the amount of onions and parsley added to reduce the amount of meat.

        In the case of sandwiches, increase the amount of salads over the amount of meat.

    Avoid using butter and margarine and replace them with vegetable oils.


How do high-fat foods distinguish from a food label?


Thus, with these readings, you can distinguish and know the percentage of fats in foods:


    High-fat foods: In every 100 grams of the product, it contains 17.5 grams or more of fat, and it may be colored red as a symbol of the presence of a high percentage of fat.

    Low-fat foods: Each 100 grams of product contains 3 grams or less of fat, and may be colored green as a symbol of a low percentage of fat.


To distinguish foods high in saturated fats from low in them, these are the readings:


    Foods high in saturated fats: contain 5 g or more per 100 g of product, and may be colored red.

    Foods low in saturated fat: contain 1.5 or less saturated fats in every 100 grams of product, and may be colored green.


We note that it is not required for food called a low-fat product that is actually healthy, as it may contain a high percentage of fats, but the intention is that it is less in the proportions of fats than other products of the same type.


Commercially, when we say low fat, we mean about 30% less than the "standard" basic product.


For example, low-fat mayonnaise is mayonnaise 30% less fat than original mayonnaise, meaning that it is still high in fat, and certainly not a low-calorie product.



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