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Good nutrition: your guide for different age groups


Good nutrition: your guide for different age groups

Each age group needs to focus on specific types of nutrients, foods and drinks, and in this article we will review the most important.

Good nutrition: your guide for different age groups


Good nutrition is a changing concept across the age group. Each generation has different and changing nutritional needs, taking into consideration the physical and physical condition of individuals and monitoring the various diseases they suffer from.


Good nutrition from a young age is very similar to a retirement savings plan, and the sooner we start sound nutrition, we imply our health rights when we reach old age. How is proper nutrition at different ages?

1- Good nutrition in childhood


Healthy eating habits are the basic building block for a child's development and implanting healthy habits at an early age. On the contrary, the wrong eating habits accompany the child for at least another several years.

So it is important at an early age to do the following:

    Food diversification.

    Combine baby food with fruits and vegetables.

    Accustom the child to eat bread and foods containing whole wheat grains, and accustom him to eat dark brown bread.

    Choose foods that contain iron and calcium, which are useful for strengthening and protecting bones.


In school, children are more independent in choosing their food. So make sure to advise them on how to choose their healthy food, and urge them to:

       ·     Eat breakfast before leaving the house.

  •         Eat a varied meal in the afternoon fruit.
  •       Eat dairy products in large quantities.

2- Good nutrition in adolescence

The diet should be controlled at this difficult stage, that is, when the child reaches adolescence, advise children not to eat "snack" and chocolate snacks, and avoid soft drinks such as cola.

It is a mistake to consider snacks as an alternative to meals, so you should provide meals for your children and encourage them to eat them even if the teenager does not want to eat them, because at that time he does not yet know the benefits of eating meals on time.

3- Good nutrition for university students

Although some students are confident that coffee, soft drinks, and pizza are not healthy meals that are able to provide the main nutrients to the body, they love them.

But during university hours, care must be taken to eat foods that are useful to stimulate thinking and provide the body with the energy needed to complete the school day, as well as to strengthen and develop bones, for example:

    If drinking coffee is important in your life, try increasing the amount of low-fat milk to at least one cup per day.

    Eat whole morning grains and drop the sugar-saturated colored pills known from our childhood.

    Add omega-3 acids to your food with a high concentration in order to have a higher thinking ability.

4- Good nutrition during pregnancy

The period in which we begin planning for the birth of the first or second child, is a useful and excellent period for preparing the body. The extra weight may be difficult for the pregnancy to occur, and bearing this extra weight may constitute additional risk factors for pregnancy and childbirth.

On the other hand, it is important to know that following a diet causes the depletion of vitamins and minerals in the body, so be sure to separate the period of the diet and the period of preparing the body for pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the vitamins and minerals must be completely complete, in order for the fetus to grow at its best and that the mother does not suffer from any deficiency.

So make sure to eat a balanced, healthy diet rich in all nutrients, and do not venture into a strict diet for a week, or two weeks to get rid of some extra kilograms, this is not the right time.

5- Proper nutrition after birth

After childbirth, especially during the period of breastfeeding, it is important to refill the depleted tanks during pregnancy. After the difficult delivery stage, it is specifically recommended that:

    Increase your intake of certain groups rich in special ingredients, such as fruits and rich in vitamin C and poor in iron.

    Eat dairy products that are rich in calcium and a vitamin B group, but are poor in vitamin C, iron, and the like.

Given the body's need for various ingredients, they tried to combine foods rich in different ingredients to create the maximum benefit, such as:

    Combine low-fat yogurt with granola rich in whole wheat grains and nuts.

    Or whole wheat bread with chickpeas and vegetables.

6- Good nutrition in old age

The aging stage brings about many changes in the human body, and during this period it is preferable to ensure healthy nutrition in order to maintain the health, performance and strength of the body, as well as adding foods that are also good for the brain.

Focus at this stage on:

    Reducing salt in food.

    Eat more nutrients rich in antioxidants to maintain healthy eyes, heart and memory.

    Add omega-3 foods.

    Add enough nutritional fiber with adding probiotics to enjoy proper digestion.


All of this helps maintain normal levels of fat and high calcium levels, reduce the risk of bone mineral loss, and cause osteoporosis.



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